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Catalogue — Fine-Arts — Museum

The curator Daniel Van Damme founded the Beguinage Museum in 1930 and the Erasmus House in 1932. Most of the collections were compiled by him and his successor Jean-Pierre Vanden Branden. The Beguinage collections reflect religious life and the daily lives of the beguines as well as local life at the end of the XIXth century. The Erasmus House collections revolve around the writings of Erasmus and evoke his era through XVIth century works of art, furniture and sculptures.
The Erasmus House

The Erasmus House library contains an exceptional collection of books by Erasmus and other humanists.
The Beguinage

The Beguinage collection focuses round two themes: on the one hand religious life and on the other the history and daily life in Anderlecht from the Merovingian era to the industrial revolution.
The Jewish Collection

In Brussels, prior to the second World War, a sizeable Jewish population lived in the Commune of Anderlecht. Daniel Van Damme (1893-1967), curator and founder of the Erasmus House, decided to devote space to Jewish history and culture when the Museum was set up.

Ecclesiastical archives and communal archives relating to the Commune of Anderlecht.
Ubi bene ibi patria
Home is where your heart is
Erasmus, Adagium n°1193 (ΙΙ, II, 93)